Simple Financials and Inventory
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Code update
Fixed an issue where labor from recipes was not factoring the number of items created.

Code update -
Re-fixed the issue where the total on the sales page was not displaying correctly. Seems it still wasn't right.

Code update -
Updated the refNumber for inventory changes in the ledger. I was using the inv id number, but this pulls all transactions in the ledger for the selected inv item instead of individual transactions. So i assigned unique transaction numbers, and now it will display specific tranactions.
Added Liability account options for credit cards and working loans.

Code updates -
The contact was not being saved when entering a journal entry. Fixed
When adding an entry on the daily sales report, the reference number was being saved as the account id instead of a new transacion number. This has been fixed.
Fixed an issue on the sales page, the total was being displayed wrong.

Compliance Change -
Added Beta to the header. Created change log file.
Code updates -
Fixed issue on the print statement pages where the payment and running balances were not displaying correctly.
All transaction links on the balance and income reports now point back to the general journal, so they can be edited or deleted.

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Simple Financials and Inventory
Disabled American Veteran owned and operated